As winter weather tightens its grip across the nation, motorcycle riders reluctantly acknowledge their bikes won’t see the road again until spring. Some consider, during cold-weather months, they might save a little money if they cancel their insurance and get a new policy in the spring. But it may not be worth it. We take a look at the savings versus the risks of not having motorcycle insurance over the winter. Consider these scenarios:
Unseasonably warm winter days
Even in the most northern states, winter has some warm, beautiful days with clear roads perfect for a motorcycle ride. While you’re eager to take advantage of the weather, you suddenly remember you canceled your motorcycle insurance at the start of winter. An uninsured ride could now expose you and your family to financial and legal risks if something happens.
Damage or theft while in storage
You’ve spent the time and cash to properly prepare your motorcycle for its winter hibernation. Let’s say your pride and joy is safely locked away in the garage waiting for spring to arrive. Your investment is protected. Or is it? Could a major winter storm and a fallen tree smash your garage? What about the possibility of a fire? Sadly, many homes burn each year from winter heating mishaps. Then, there’s the possibility that you could be the victim of theft. Even vandalism could rob you of what you have invested in your motorcycle. Without insurance, you’d have no protection from these potential losses.
Motorcycle registration and insurance
Before canceling your motorcycle insurance, check your state’s motor vehicle registration law. Some states require continuous insurance coverage. You need to consider what the cost would be in money and time to surrender your license plate and registration—only to have to get a new plate and registration in a few months. Is the hassle worth what’s likely to be small savings?
The true value of year-round motorcycle coverage
Dairyland motorcycle insurance is a high-value product designed to protect your prized motorcycle and your financial well-being. If you think going without insurance over the winter will save money, give your Dairyland agent a call first. We have many ways to help you save money on your coverage while keeping you protected all year long—so you’ll be able to enjoy every opportunity to ride your bike. A wide selection of discounts is available, including:
- Multi-cycle discount
- Homeownership discount
- H.O.G. member discount
- Loyalty discount
- Rider group discount
- Rider course discount
While discounts are important, the main goal of the best motorcycle insurance coverage is to protect yourself—and your bike—from the dangers of accidents and crashes. And a number of insurance coverages like roadside assistance are out there to cover you while you’re on your ride.
Till next time, ride safe!
Related links:
Here are four winter surface hazards to avoid on your motorcycle.
Safe winter motorcycle riding means making sure you’re seen by other drivers.
Protect yourself from icy roads—especially black ice—on winter rides.
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